30 July 2007
"Suddenly I didn't know if I had dreamt things, or if they existed..." -Bergman
Ingmar Bergman passed today, at the age of 89. The picture is from Scenes from a Marriage, which is one of my favorites.
Tim sent me this Woody Allen quote earlier about Allen seeing a Bergman film when he was a teenager...
"Less than ennobling was the motive for seeing my first Ingmar Bergman movie. The facts were these: I as a teenager living in Brooklyn, and word had got around that there was a Swedish film comign to our local foreign film house in which a young woman swam completely naked. Rarely have I slept overnight on the curb to be the first on line for a movie, but when "Summer With Monika" opened at the Jewel in Flatbush, a young boy with red hair and black-rimmed glasses could be seen clubbing senior citizens to the floor in an effort to insure the choicest, unobstructed seat."
28 July 2007
26 July 2007
Dear John Schuerholz,
24 July 2007
Dear Senator Edwards
I thoroughly enjoyed your town hall meeting in Georgetown, SC today. Had I not been starving and fighting off a heat stroke, I would have stayed around afterwards to shake your eloquent hand, but I couldn't...and so I wanted to ask you a few questions. I mean, hell, everyone else in the world is posing questions, so why not me, right?
For one, now I understand the fact that we are not always in control of our destiny...or our schedules, but as a teacher, tardiness is simply not something I'm fond of. See, I left my house an hour and fifteen minutes before the time you were scheduled to speak. Unfortunately I drank half a bottle of water before I left the house, which meant I had to make a pit stop midway through my trip. And no, I'll never forget the fella at the Shell station who informed me that his bathroom was not in working order! But...regardless, I found myself battling beach traffic and pit stops...and I was running late. So I tore through Litchfield, Pawley's, downtown Georgetown to make a concerted effort to arrive on time. I arrived at 1:32pm. I ran down the street where I had to park...upon my entrance into the union hall...I discovered that you were in fact running about 15 minutes late from your previous engagement. Cool. 15 minutes. That's fine, I thought.
Well, the union hall was flippin' hot. It was packed. And when we were informed that you would be arriving a full hour late...I started to get a bit irritated. So we all stood there, anxiously looking to the door, fanning ourselves silly. Like I said, I understand that things don't always happen exactly as planned, but your tardiness today was unacceptable. (Yes, I'm being slightly dramatic for blog sake). I only feel worse for the people in Atlanta who were next on your journey. Leaving Georgetown at 3:45 and being scheduled for Atlanta at 4:45, well that's just poor planning on the behalf of your crew.
For two, yes, as I mentioned, it was hot. Its SC in late July...and before you arrived, the crowd was alerted to the fact that it was the preference of your people that we not use the frisbees that people were using for fans. Apparently, the fans would look distracting on camera. I suppose my passing out on the floor would have looked okay. Yes, yes, I know I know...you are running for president...but still.
For three, I really enjoyed most of what you said. I like your ideas about social class. I like the fact that you are self-made man. I like the fact that Elizabeth has different opinions from you (primarily on gay marriage). I do have a question for you...and had I not been too star struck and nervous, I would have asked you...
It's about minimum wage. Yes, we all thank the powers to be that there is a slight increase today, and more increases in the years to come. That's awesome. You mentioned you thought it wasn't good enough. I can't agree with you more. You then said you'd like to raise the minimum wage, as president, to $9.25 or $9.50 (my memory is failing me, I blame the heat). I encourage this increase. You then stated by 2012. I'm not sure many people heard this. At least, I'm not sure that the loud applause would have been as loud. So, yes, increases are good. But that will stay with the same pace that its increasing in the next two years. So, is $9.50 an hour really that great? Particularly for 2012? How much will the standard of living increase by that time?
I have my students complete a budget in class. They assume they are single parents with two children. The assume they are making around $11 to $12 dollars an hour. I even allow them to have health benefits from their job, which we know for this type of job is probably not a likelihood. The reason I like doing this assignment is because my students quickly realize how difficult it is to survive in this family type. Most of them immediately give up any source of entertainment. Next they cut their food. Most of them say that even if they had insurance, they wouldn't be able to afford a co-pay. They usually stick their children in some type of childcare, which I could only imagine might be substandard considering they only budget 20 dollars a week for it.
So I can't help but question that in 2012, this minimum wage will still lack what we call "a living wage".
For four, I wanted to ask...and this was my real question. I know you speak quite a bit about social class. Ending poverty is your thing. Quite commendable. As you mentioned, some of your other plans of action all intersect...education, health care. So, you'd be helping the issue of social class in a myriad of ways...but I wonder how you plan to approach issues of race and gender, as they intersect with social class. Of course, social class exists as its own issue, but what about race issues and gender issues outside of social class?
I was surprised during the youtube debate the other night that you said you wouldn't pay reparations to African Americans for slavery. I understand there are bigger issues and that simply making a pay out wouldn't "solve" the problem. Perhaps we could do both? In that some type of reparations would possibly be merely an apology...and then we could also focus on the other issues that affect this group...like education, health care, discrimination...the list could on, now couldn't it? I don't think it necessarily should be one or the other.
Yes, I agree, there are two different Americas for those of us who live here. BUT, there are also many different Americas. There is certainly a different one for me, than for the individuals in poverty. And yes, my America is quite different from the one for someone like you. But there are still many other issues...there are different worlds for African Americans from whites. There are different worlds for women and men. I do admire you pointing out these systems of domination and stratification, but I also don't want to look at the problem and simply believe that its merely just social class. Cause it isn't.
Lastly, I admire you being the first democratic candidate to grace our area. That really means quite a bit to me. I enjoyed getting to see you in person, standing merely 15 feet away from you. You seemed interested. You made eye contact with all the people in the room. I think it certainly shows an interest in South Carolina. You handled the questions well and with a great eloquence, which is a welcome change from some of the candidates.
Thanks for your time,
PS Do you think next time you could ask your crew to bring some John Edwards fans for the heat, just in case?
For one, now I understand the fact that we are not always in control of our destiny...or our schedules, but as a teacher, tardiness is simply not something I'm fond of. See, I left my house an hour and fifteen minutes before the time you were scheduled to speak. Unfortunately I drank half a bottle of water before I left the house, which meant I had to make a pit stop midway through my trip. And no, I'll never forget the fella at the Shell station who informed me that his bathroom was not in working order! But...regardless, I found myself battling beach traffic and pit stops...and I was running late. So I tore through Litchfield, Pawley's, downtown Georgetown to make a concerted effort to arrive on time. I arrived at 1:32pm. I ran down the street where I had to park...upon my entrance into the union hall...I discovered that you were in fact running about 15 minutes late from your previous engagement. Cool. 15 minutes. That's fine, I thought.
Well, the union hall was flippin' hot. It was packed. And when we were informed that you would be arriving a full hour late...I started to get a bit irritated. So we all stood there, anxiously looking to the door, fanning ourselves silly. Like I said, I understand that things don't always happen exactly as planned, but your tardiness today was unacceptable. (Yes, I'm being slightly dramatic for blog sake). I only feel worse for the people in Atlanta who were next on your journey. Leaving Georgetown at 3:45 and being scheduled for Atlanta at 4:45, well that's just poor planning on the behalf of your crew.
For two, yes, as I mentioned, it was hot. Its SC in late July...and before you arrived, the crowd was alerted to the fact that it was the preference of your people that we not use the frisbees that people were using for fans. Apparently, the fans would look distracting on camera. I suppose my passing out on the floor would have looked okay. Yes, yes, I know I know...you are running for president...but still.
For three, I really enjoyed most of what you said. I like your ideas about social class. I like the fact that you are self-made man. I like the fact that Elizabeth has different opinions from you (primarily on gay marriage). I do have a question for you...and had I not been too star struck and nervous, I would have asked you...
It's about minimum wage. Yes, we all thank the powers to be that there is a slight increase today, and more increases in the years to come. That's awesome. You mentioned you thought it wasn't good enough. I can't agree with you more. You then said you'd like to raise the minimum wage, as president, to $9.25 or $9.50 (my memory is failing me, I blame the heat). I encourage this increase. You then stated by 2012. I'm not sure many people heard this. At least, I'm not sure that the loud applause would have been as loud. So, yes, increases are good. But that will stay with the same pace that its increasing in the next two years. So, is $9.50 an hour really that great? Particularly for 2012? How much will the standard of living increase by that time?
I have my students complete a budget in class. They assume they are single parents with two children. The assume they are making around $11 to $12 dollars an hour. I even allow them to have health benefits from their job, which we know for this type of job is probably not a likelihood. The reason I like doing this assignment is because my students quickly realize how difficult it is to survive in this family type. Most of them immediately give up any source of entertainment. Next they cut their food. Most of them say that even if they had insurance, they wouldn't be able to afford a co-pay. They usually stick their children in some type of childcare, which I could only imagine might be substandard considering they only budget 20 dollars a week for it.
So I can't help but question that in 2012, this minimum wage will still lack what we call "a living wage".
For four, I wanted to ask...and this was my real question. I know you speak quite a bit about social class. Ending poverty is your thing. Quite commendable. As you mentioned, some of your other plans of action all intersect...education, health care. So, you'd be helping the issue of social class in a myriad of ways...but I wonder how you plan to approach issues of race and gender, as they intersect with social class. Of course, social class exists as its own issue, but what about race issues and gender issues outside of social class?
I was surprised during the youtube debate the other night that you said you wouldn't pay reparations to African Americans for slavery. I understand there are bigger issues and that simply making a pay out wouldn't "solve" the problem. Perhaps we could do both? In that some type of reparations would possibly be merely an apology...and then we could also focus on the other issues that affect this group...like education, health care, discrimination...the list could on, now couldn't it? I don't think it necessarily should be one or the other.
Yes, I agree, there are two different Americas for those of us who live here. BUT, there are also many different Americas. There is certainly a different one for me, than for the individuals in poverty. And yes, my America is quite different from the one for someone like you. But there are still many other issues...there are different worlds for African Americans from whites. There are different worlds for women and men. I do admire you pointing out these systems of domination and stratification, but I also don't want to look at the problem and simply believe that its merely just social class. Cause it isn't.
Lastly, I admire you being the first democratic candidate to grace our area. That really means quite a bit to me. I enjoyed getting to see you in person, standing merely 15 feet away from you. You seemed interested. You made eye contact with all the people in the room. I think it certainly shows an interest in South Carolina. You handled the questions well and with a great eloquence, which is a welcome change from some of the candidates.
Thanks for your time,
PS Do you think next time you could ask your crew to bring some John Edwards fans for the heat, just in case?
23 July 2007
please please please let me let me let me...
overall, a good week. i spent some time down in charlotte for a few days. the day before, i finally bought an ipod. yes, it pains me that i felt the desire to spend that much money on a piece of entertainment...it also pains me that it was probably made through some form of slave labor...but goddamn, i love it. i have all my music and pictures on it. this made for a much more enjoyable drive down.
let's summarize...i met one of my mentors from graduate school for happy hour. it was nice to talk with someone who understands my ideas about teaching, engagement rings, and research...i also had some drinks with jennie ann and ellen...always a good time. i also met (as you can see above) stephanie and eric for drinks. we had a great time at MADD DOG! Again, its wonderful to sit and discuss issues with people who are brilliant and can give me ideas and suggestions....whether its our farm in canada or our farm baby! i also had a good time hanging with the family. my mom is always so amazing.
I also came to the conclusion there are two things that i would like to accomplish...at which point in time, i would feel that i "arrived" as an "academic" (using that word in a loose way). for one, i want to coin a term...and for two, i would like to be called by npr to comment on something.
on saturday, i taught my last telecourse class in concord. then rapidly drove back to the beach...as morrissey was playing one mile from my house. driving into myrtle beach on a saturday afternoon is an awful idea. i got stuck in traffic about 1 hour outside of the beach, so i turned around to take a back way...i was happily driving along (with my ipod) for an hour or so...and i ran into more traffic. it was unavoidable.
after 5.5 hours of driving, i finally arrived. i was greeted by tim and tim returning from the beach with a wonderful new bocce ball set. the three of us had a fish fry before heading out to the morrissey show (shhh. don't tell morrissey). the show was excellent. he slayed me when he played please please please let me get what i want...and of course, girlfriend in a coma. it was an excellent show.
the rest of the night was fun. it was somewhat of a blur. but surprisingly, i woke up feeling great.
i just finished watching the democratic youtube debate. very interesting. tomorrow, i'm going to see john edwards in georgetown. he'll be at the steelworkers hall...and i'm so very excited. i've heard he is a very inspiring speaker and he'll be talking about minimum wage. i'll give you more details tomorrow or so...
and oh yeah, its sabine's birthday. she had some tuna. she loved it. she's a bit of a messy eater.
18 July 2007
what am i so thankfull for?
i don't know how well you can see this, but i wanted to start documenting when things are spelled incorrectly...at least when i'm not the one doing it.
so please don't do anything smart-ass and take a picture of a spelling error i made in a previous blog and post it as a response. i have just always found it entertaining when someone makes an error like this on a huge sign. there is a sign on the drive from MB to charlotte that reads, CRAB LEGES. ha.
its been a real busy week for us. we saw a pelicans game on thursday. thirsty thursday at that. i love this water tower at the park. and chris isn't so bad either.
then what else?
on saturday, shawn came to visit...which was a welcome surprise. its always nice to have some old friends down here. we took him out to new orleans connection where some of our new acquaintances play jazz. then we made our last call by rockefeller's, because how could we not?
on monday, we made our trip to wilmington for the dondero/buckner show. it was fantastic. of course, it could have been more enjoyable had it been a few blocks away...but we still had a great time.
here is something interesting though...it goes along with my issue with audiences. the whole time david dondero was playing, there were these three people standing right up front, carrying on a loud conversation. i understand the need to occasionally make a comment...("hey, did you hear that line about charlie parker?")...but i also generally whisper this...if i felt the need to carry on a loud conversation, i'd probably move to the back of the venue.
i don't know how musicians do it. just in teaching, i get pissed when i hear a whisper. perhaps that is something i can work on...blocking it out.
it was also weird to be around "hipsters" again...as there were more than a handful of them at the show. see, here in myrtle beach, you just don't come in contact with a lot of people like that. in mere moments i was feeling inadequate in my coolness.
but i bet most of them don't have these cool peppers they grew at home. aren't they beautiful? i think i waited too long to eat them.
so, i'm heading to charlotte tomorrow. i get to see some old pals...and have my teeth cleaned. how about that? i'm excited...and then i'm returning to MB to see morrissey. you heard me. at the house of blues. and oh yeah, tim long too.
12 July 2007
So...remember I mentioned our neighbor. The one that helps me gauge the temperature outside? Well, just so you know...I just saw him check the mail in nothing but khaki shorts. Not even flip-flops. Yes, its that fucking hot here.
10 July 2007
Constructive Feedback
Do yourself a favor and watch this video.
Do yourself another favor and start watching Flight of the Conchords on Sundays.
07 July 2007
Going Tourist Crazy!
what has happened?
i got drunk with my students and slurred about the greatness of education...i'm sure that was convincing. then...i felt sick for a couple of days.
tim and i decided to look at a farm house today. yes, to buy? i'm not sure why we are trying to buy a house, plan a wedding, and have jobs...but apparently that is our new plan. yes, that or move to rhode island. the farm house was awful. in the few moments we were trying to find the house, we ran across a man sleeping on a park bench behind a church, two young teenagers with what i call puss-tasches and a easter egg blue banged up trailer home. so, now, i will not be living out my dream of living in a farm house with cows and horses and chickens. oh well.
the main point of this whole blog is to tell
i got drunk with my students and slurred about the greatness of education...i'm sure that was convincing. then...i felt sick for a couple of days.
tim and i decided to look at a farm house today. yes, to buy? i'm not sure why we are trying to buy a house, plan a wedding, and have jobs...but apparently that is our new plan. yes, that or move to rhode island. the farm house was awful. in the few moments we were trying to find the house, we ran across a man sleeping on a park bench behind a church, two young teenagers with what i call puss-tasches and a easter egg blue banged up trailer home. so, now, i will not be living out my dream of living in a farm house with cows and horses and chickens. oh well.
the main point of this whole blog is to tell
04 July 2007
fish fry on the fourth
so, i've had a weird few days. a few nights ago, the house right across the street had a wedding. that's right, a wedding. it lasted until 11:30pm. now, when i was young and wild, that hour seemed reasonable for playing music loud and partying. now, it just seems obnoxious. so yes, we heard all the typical wedding songs...well as much as i could hear through flight of the conchords (which was turned up as loud as possible to block out "the electric slide".)
that night...tim and i vowed to move to rhode island. why the island? too much to explain right now...but it seemed like a place where we could avoid the drones of tourists.
independence day at the beach is wild. tons and tons of people load up and drive to the beach. with fireworks in tow. and hell, every child they can find too. its been packed on the beach. packed on the streets. and fireworks going off every moment.
tim and i decided to have a fish fry for the 4th. we invited over our neighbor patrick. we cooked some delicious food. here is a picture of the food. i told you tim is one hell of a fish fryer...
after our fish fry, we walked out to the beach to watch the fireworks. there were tons of "camps" of people shooting off fireworks. i've never quite been that close to fireworks, but it was beautiful. to stand on the beach and watch the fireworks all along the coast from one town to the next.
and so i decided, i think i can handle a little traffic now and again.
hey, its beautiful here too.
so, koch, where the hell are my brownies?
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