Moving has been very strange. You go through your belongings and decide what is worth keeping and what is worth throwing out. So that back year of Readymade and Martha Stewart Living...no longer a necessity. It sort of feels like cleaning on a more abstract level too...in that you sort of clear the cobwebs and get ready for a new start.
I've secured work at the beach. So, I won't be a complete beach bum. I'll be teaching a few classes here and there.
I saw Ryan Adams the other evening at House of Blues. It was fun. I kept wondering if he would play Nuclear (its just really cool that someone sings about the Yankees and the Braves, particularly the Yankees losing to the Braves). Jennie Ann kept wondering if he would sing Come Pick Me Up....I think she sang it for the rest of the evening.
We also attended another Pelicans game. Pelicans games are AWESOME. Thats all I can say. Its just a perfect place for a game. The experience would only be enhanced if the ocean was a tad bit closer to the actual field. Catch a game there if possible.
SO....the reason for the post is this...I started thinking, what if I had my own late night talk show. What if I had one night to plan...Who would I invite? Who would I want to talk to? So here is the task...If you were planning one night for your talk show...who would be your 3 guests and who would be your musical guest? They should be ordered as well (the guests that is).
Here is what I came up with:
Tonight on Kathy's Show
1) Milan Kundera
2) Bobby Cox
3) Woody Allen
Musical Guest: Gogol Bordello
Now, I know I'm not making too many friends or gaining any new fans. My list is too hip, nor too much of a drag (wait, is it?) But I would seriously love to talk to all three of these individuals. Should I make an alternate since Kundera may not come out of hiding?
So, what is your list?
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Tonight on Tim's Show
1) Don DeLillo
2) Bill Clinton
3) Joni Mitchell
Musical Guest: Neil Young and Crazy Horse
note: Joni could also sit in with Neil, but is a grand conversationalist in her own right..
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