it feels something like the longest week of my life. it hasn't been particularly difficult or trying...just seems like i'm moving in slow motion...
so to recap...what do we have for you this week?
last weekend...tim and i visited more flea markets, as well as brookgreen gardens in murrells inlet...i've started a new obsession with a woman named bessie. i have a letter that a male suitor sent her in 1904. he was staying at the sulphur springs in hiddenite north carolina, where apparently he was being healed for some type of illness. he talked about the base ball craze. that's right. baseball...but back when it was two words. i'm assuming he was desiring to attend a game of a local textile or mill team....but fascinating.
brookgreen gardens are beautiful. everyone should visit. they contain a sculpture garden, as well as a nature walk of sorts. the sculptures and flowers...were wonderful. it just felt so beautiful and peaceful. the nature walk was trying on my nerves at times...i almost walked into a spider web that was the size of my skull. no kidding.
we also had dinner at a lovely restaurant, collector's cafe. it was delicious. i'm really really really enjoying tim's weekly food articles...as i'm receiving some of the benefit.
after a nice relaxing weekend, i plunged into the work week. not too much to report there...things have been going smoothly. the high school class is starting to calm down. this week has included lectures on race and ethnicity, culture, socialization, gender, and aging. my favorite discussion has to be on immigration. it really gets some people very upset...particularly if you start talking about learning how to speak spanish. i was told by one student that he shouldn't learn spanish because he doesn't live in spain. weird, i thought there were people outside of spain who speak the language. my bad.
i also blew some minds today when i spoke about the smallpox blankets that were given to native americans. i was honestly surprised that most of them haven't heard about this. doesn't anyone watch king of the hill other than me?
other than school....prison break...that cop guy is cracking up...thank god...tim and i had dinner at a very nice restaurant called filet's last night...we met a wonderful young fella named donald...who i wanted to ask to be our new friend...and then project runway....awww, kayne. too bad.
i'm rooting for michael all the way and for the demise of jeffrey.
i'm giving an exam tonight...and i'm more excited than ever...that means i can read my new girly magazine and demonstrate to my class that you can be a feminist and still indulge in the mindless sexist literature of cosmo.
which by the way, out of a class of 42 college freshmen...there wasn't a single person in the class that raised their hands to say they were a feminist. what the fuck?
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