hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving. holidays are such a busy time of the year, but i spent some time with my family, which was lovely (hear will ferrell's voice in old school when talking about the olive garden).
things have been going well. i'm stressed at the end of the semester, with papers, grades, etc....I'm looking forward to my 3 weeks of writing, reading, relaxing...and oh yeah, getting my christmas cd together....its coming, don't you worry.
things have also been strange. i suppose i feel some type of shift in my life. its probably a side effect of moving...it is the type of thing that happens. your priorities change. you change. friends and memories that seemed so present start to drift. i remember when i left my apartment in charlotte...i was so sad. i couldn't imagine ever feeling "at home" anywhere else....and now here i am.
other stuff: i got a sewing machine. i got my second gift from a student. yesterday i almost told my high school to "bugger off". i'm going to charlotte for the next two weekends (to teach).
and oh yeah, i'm seeing the DAN band this weekend, apparently the cover band from old school. shall be funny. i'm sure.
i promise i'll be more witty and deep when i have the time.