i have always thought this is a great picture. i want to make a t-shirt out of it...is from the womens christian temperance movement, to try to convince the men-folk to stop drinking alcohol...
yesterday, i had one of my high school students inform me that he was accepted at francis marion and that he plans to major in sociology. and i remembered, this is why i chose this path to begin with. now i'm up to 3 people i've turned into sociologists. do you think i could get the ASA (American Sociological Association) to hire me as a recruiter? i'm so very proud.
and what the f? with michael richards? tim and i stayed up (well it was more of a test for me than tim...i've been passing out at 10pm lately) long enough to watch letterman, so we could see this "apology". Apology, my ass. that was not an apology. i finally watched some clips of what happened too. i have been sick on my stomach since i saw the footage. and not in a "oh, doesn't he really know that is inappropriate?"...because its not that...its because i find myself still stunned when someone attacks another person on race...then you read comments people are making about it...trying to say that everyone should be forgiven...are you kidding me? its not like he had some slip of the tongue or said something once, the man went on and on...and lastly, if that is what "comes through" with your rage...you've got serious fucking problems. excuse me but the whole thing pisses me off.
perhaps we've moved from the pregnant bump being the cool thing in hollywood to being racist...
(breathe deeply)...ha....
okay, i'm out of school for the week, but still behind AS USUAL in school work. i'm heading to charlotte tomorrow for some family time and grub.
and i've almost beat tim in scrabble....still a few triple word scores to go and i'll be there.
have a happy and safe few days off from your job/school/life.
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Pretty cool blog!
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