see, here is the thing about talkin' shit....it usually comes back to you. so, no, i didn't win the baseball game at the fun plaza. well, neither did tim...so it didn't really "bite me in the ass" as they say, but i was pretty bummed out that i didn't get to emasculate tim by asking him which stuffed animal he would like off the wall.
what else...
if feels absolutely wonderful outside here. reminds me of when i use to live in boone. it sort of feels like summer in boone here today. follow me? its warm, but breezy... feels like the perfect day to sit on the porch with a margarita and listen to tom waits...hold up, now i know i use to do that in boone.
i can also tell its starting to warm up outside, because people are wanting to come visit here again. we were packed full every weekend until the first freeze...then it was nothing...but now that we are reaching into 60 degree days...they are back.
and i welcome with open arms our first visitor of the new year...tim long! yay!
i think tim is seeing the band slayer tonight.
i think i'm going to watch the finale episode of the oc.
tomorrow i'm going to rest and not grade papers AT ALL!
by the way, heard some new port huron statement songs yesterday...prepare yourself for the new album. it'll be kick ass. i "borrowed" one of chip's lyrics for the title of this blog...so its not my clever phrase, but him. (yes, teachers have to give credit)
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