now that the dust has settled on the christmas holiday...i finally feel as if i'm starting to make sense of the dizzying experience of travel, presents, and family. i almost wish that we could divide the holiday up over the course of the year. maybe january i could celebrate with my mom's family. maybe in february we could celebrate with my dad's family. maybe in march we could celebrate with tim's family. april could be, well, that is my birthday, so we'll reserve it. but may could be reserved for jennie ann...and onward. you get the point. i suppose i always get a bit inundated with the gift exchange and social interaction.
upon return home, i walked in the house (where the cats had been left to fend for themselves for two days) to find chaos. they decided to "roll" the bathroom with toilet paper, like three teenagers left home alone. they tore down the stockings, i suppose looking for more presents than the one i bought them.
the pictures are of my brothers. the top one is of taylor. the bottom one is of john. as a friend of mine once said about her 20 year old daughter, "the aliens that had her captive for the last 10 years have finally brought her home." i feel somewhat the same about my brothers. i felt like this last visit home brought us closer together again...as they are growing up and becoming humans i can communicate with outside of the fact they are my brothers.

regardless, i received many wonderful and thoughtful gifts. i think that with the overwhelming consumption, i have continued to purchase. for example, today i got a new cellphone...and only about 3 years behind the trend, i finally have a camera phone. so i can only warn you that i might be sending cell phone photos for the next few weeks...forgive me in advance. i'm sure for the coming weeks, i'll personalize every person in my new cell phone with a picture, ringtone. aah, yes, the power of organization.
after all the holiday excitement, i've been catching up on my reading, writing, movie watching, and beer drinking. as you can tell, it has been a rough few days, but i'm surviving.
i'm heading to atlanta tomorrow for the band of horses show at the earl. i'm stoked to see the horses, as i haven't seen them perform. i'm also really excited to see my old friends that keep themselves busy in atlanta. not to mention, i get to see my mom again...so i promise to get a picture (cellphone one or otherwise) of her swooning and crooning to the horses.
i'm already starting to compile a list in my head about new years...it is vague, but coming together.
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