i fully recognize the fact that i'll be 32 in only a few odd weeks, but while we are here...i find that in my age bracket, you find various things exciting and interesting...i won't go into a full list of these items, but rather express to you my excitement.
yes, i've been counting down the months (since last summer) and now, counting down the days (since last month) until the grand opening of the super bi-lo in my neighborhood. i grow quite attached to grocery stores and usually the folks that work in them (see an earlier post about the bag boy, pavel). regardless, the closest grocery store to our house is inadequate. you never can find any "weird" vegetables (ironically, this includes things like squash and bok choy), fresh herbs, and certainly finding tofu isn't happening. so you can only imagine my excitement in hearing that a super bi-lo would be taking its place in mid 2007. they missed the mark, but the grand opening is tonight.
you heard it here first. and it is even closer to my house than the old, fucked up bi-lo.
you would have thought tim and i were 80 years old (no offense, maw maw!)...as i emailed him with the news...."they've got an organic section"...and "i hear they have a cafe"...and "they are open 24 hours!" i'm not sure the last time i tried to go to the grocery store after dark, but apparently somewhere deep down, i feel this is a strong selling point.
now the funny part, i was on my way after work to the new super bi-lo. i called tim to share the joy. he was jealous. he might not admit it, but he was. so i asked if i should wait for him. and he said yes. that is what i'm doing right now. my anticipation is killing me.
what will it look like? where do they keep the flowers? and how big will the produce section be? the bakery? will titus still be working there? will they have new uniforms?
yes, it is killing me. it is also killing me that i wrote an entire post about the super bi-lo. you owe me bi-lo. you owe me big.