So, today...around 2:00pm, I have officially been in this world for 32 years. I'll be honest, I've had some trouble approaching this birthday. It isn't a particularly landmark birthday- I'm not 18, 21, 30, or even 40...But there is something to me about being 32 that marks my moving away from being 30...and really moving away from being in my 20s.
A few things I've learned on this birthday:
1) I can officially fall into the category of "cougar", apparently. Thanks Walt!
2) 32 sounds old to young folks. My students asked my age and when I told them, they remarked with horror that I don't "look THAT old." A compliment, but wait, am I old?
3) I like to stay "busy," which I discovered by clearing my schedule for the momentous day...and found myself wishing I had papers to grade or at least some work to do. I know sad, but you know, birthdays lose their excitement and significance after 3 decades.
4) That my brother John is a fucking funny motherfucker (I can still curse...I'm not that old yet!) See below.
My brother John sent me a copy of Chuck Klosterman's Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs for my birthday at my request. Here is a transcription of the card he sent me:
"A funny story about the search for this book: I went to Borders and found the book listing in the computer. It said the book was in the "erotica" section of the store. So I went perusing in the steamy section looking for this book, wondering why I was in this section while trying to find a present for my sister. I got a few stares from concerned parents and the Jesus freaks, whom which I overheard say "Science is only fact, therefore, It's not based on the truth. God created the earth, and Satan created the scientific method." If facts are lies and opinions are the truth, we're all screwed!
At this point in my search, I decided it was time to ask a salesperson where I could find this book. "Oh! That book is on the 3rd aisle over, four books from the top. I've read it 3 times already!"
Bravo! My search was a success. So here is your literary device packed full of pop-culture amputations. I thought about including Chuck Klosterman's sequel to this: "Here's How He Tickled My Pickle" found in "erotica" at Borders bookstore, but I'll save that for next year."
I laughed out loud.
I laughed out loud quite a bit today, despite my boredom. I got some great e-cards, some great Itunes gift songs (including a great birthday song from my mom), a great youtube video gift (Thanks Timmie Longstockings), sweet phone calls, and some great gifts. Thanks to all that remembered my birthday. Tonight I'll be watching No Country for Old Men and watching Tim's every reaction to the film. (Thanks Davis!)
Again, I was worried about being 32. The other night I mentioned to Tim that I realized I was merely 8 years away from being 40. Not that 40 is the end of the line, but it is a milestone birthday. I started thinking about what I'd like to do in the next 8 years. I still haven't quite figured out what is on the list. Then I started thinking about how my family members have mostly lived long, long lives. My grandmother and grandfather are both in their late 80s...and this includes a myriad of bad habits over the years. Some of the same bad habits I indulge in. So, this means, I probably have at least 80 to 90 years in me. Then Tim reminded me this means I have more than likely only lived 1/3rd of my life. Fuck yeah, I have 2 more lifetimes left to live. And that makes 32 a little easier to fathom.
1 comment:
"Timmie Longstockings?" If by "stockings" you mean...oh, never mind.
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