I am changing #7. This item required my visiting the aquarium. I've always wanted to go- but in driving back from Nashville the other day, I realized that Ripley's has their aquariums all over the place. So, I felt it didn't really accurately represent a Myrtle Beach adventure. I've decided to swap out the aquarium for a visit to Broadway at the Beach. Now, Broadway isn't particular to the area- in that I can visit many of the same stores that you'd find in any mall- but this one has the nostalgia park for the pavilion...so I'll have an opportunity to ride one of the old rides from the now defunct pavilion. I have my designs set on the carousel and the pirate ship ride (per my students' request).
I am also changing #8. Now, I like the idea of eating at the taqueria- mostly because it haunts me as I walk into the post office every other day. But I started thinking about places I always wanted to go since moving here...and then I remembered a bar that Tim and I visited once during a vacation. So, I figured, I could eat a bean and cheese burrito OR I could have some drinks at a bar that advertises itself as the "raw barrrrrr." Need I say more?
Onwards to #9...Oh, Dmitri. I am saddened to say I don't think Dmitri and I are going to spend an evening sitting on my front porch trying to communicate with one another. How sad. But I did take a picture of him while he bagged groceries. I'll miss you Dmitri. Maybe next summer you'll come work on Broadway in Nashville? Please...
And lastly, #10...the airbrushing. I did venture to an airbrushing booth- to find out I'd have to pay about 10 bucks for one license plate. It just didn't seem very efficient. So...after seeing a couple of tie dye shirts at the local Waves- and watching Robert Plant sporting one on an old live DVD- I was hell bent on making some tie dyes and then bringing them back into style. Making them hip again, not reserved for the Widespread Panic show that Tim is frequenting right now (hey, he is getting paid!) So, we made tie-dyes last night. They are in the process of drying and being washed- so prepare yourself.
Tomorrow, I'm off to my helicopter ride. There is no predicted storm. I've already checked.
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