so...we use to call the bi-lo near our house...the russian bi-lo...primarily because 2/3rds of their employees were from russia. in particular, there was a bag-boy named pavel...and he isn't there anymore. i haven't seen him in about a month. i don't know where he is. did he return to russia since the season was over? did he find a better job? now when i go to the bi-lo, i feel "distressed" because pavel is not there...and i miss him.
oh, tim and i went to a couple of festivals this weekend. the greek festival was fun. crowded. the food was AWESOME. we decided to stop by the irish italian festival on saturday. yes, it was both. irish AND italian. it was fun to walk around, but there wasn't anything too terribly irish or italian about the festival...the food was chain food mostly...and the vendors were solid waste authority, the recreation center, the republicans...but it was still fun. there was a fella there singing frank sinatra. how can you resist that?
school has been going well. i picked up an additional class with the university. this means...for a grand total during Fall 2006...i'm teaching 8 classes. not that i'm asking for sympathy or empathy...but i just think all two of you that read this should realize that i'm doing double the regular load for a full time instructor. man, its going to be easy easy living when i get a full time job. what will i do with all that free time?
and i almost forgot...tim and i had a cook-out with an old college friend of mine who lives here in the area. I haven't seen Mandy and Dan in about 2-3 years. The last time I saw here was at her baby shower...which obviously (cause that's how it works) she had the baby...who is now a fantastic young lady. Mia is her name. She says "thats" for any word that she doesn't know. This became increasingly more hilarious as the night and the bud lights passed. It was good times. Good times. I missed Mandy. We caught up...and honestly, it was nice to have someone to conversate with who wasn't there because they were paying and i was being paid (and no, i'm not a prostitute...though, i'm sure one could argue that teaching could be eerily close to that...ha!)
so...tonight. project runway. by the way...read the latest news on jeffrey. he is a liar. a cheater. and he said some bad things about journalists. regardless, PR is using this to their advantage by not telling us what their investigation found out about Jeffrey until the finale! what i'm happiest about? Malan. I love him. I love his laugh. and I hate his mean mom for not allowing him to realize his full potential.
oh yeah, i realized this week...that teaching. though i might sleep well at night...it will never pay my outrageous credit card bills. and for some reason, the credit card companies keep giving me more cards. hopefully, banana republic and victoria secret start selling gas, food, and beer.
Currently Listening to: NLDS Game 1: Dodgers and Mets...awww, Betemit...I've missed him. 25 pitch inning in the 2nd? whew. post-season games. fun fun fun.
If your old fave with the funny laugh were to move to Czechoslovakia (and then, in exile, to France) to design clothes, would he be known as Malan Kundera?
the unbearable lightness of blouses
i would love to be one of those people that sells stuff at greek festivals. and just go around from greek festival to greek festival.
- matt t xo xo
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