so there were a couple of wrongs....cards beat the mets. that was wrong. there was such momentum. it was game 7!! then endy chavez made that unbelievable catch. i got goosebumps watching it in slow motion. then beltran up...you think...this is it, this is it...and next thing you know, beltran doesn't swing...and the game is over. tony larussa and his shiny upper lip are going to the series. this was my second experience of coming to terms with the fact that bad guys often do in fact finish first.
what was my first learning of this? right here...jeffrey on project runway? are you fucking kidding me? (yes, i need the foul language...it was necessary). I think all the collections were subpar. jeffrey's was terrible looking. i hate him. he deserves to be destroyed. i think that because of his sucky attitude, he shouldn't have won. so yet again, nice guys don't finish first...its the jackasses who call you fat who have drug problems tha finish first. bugger off, jeffrey.

and i sound like a hostile person today, but i'm not really. i received my student evaluations back...and lets keep in mind that they had only known me for 3 weeks...i got glowing reviews...lots of the following, "ms. everhart is awesome!" i read all 30 comments to tim last night, just to remind myself of why i work for so little money.
then today, i had lunch with one of my colleagues at the college. we sat out on the porch at this restaurant which is facing the ocean. beautiful...and its particularly beautiful here this weekend. regardless, we had a good time. its always nice to make connections with other individuals. so get this...her boyfriend use to work at legends (the place where famous impersonators perform)...and her boyfriend played jake from the blues brothers (yes, belushi). apparently he use to tour in europe doing this too. i swear to it. awesome, huh? it just felt perfect for my life experience right now.
on my weekend agenda: see mandy, dan, and mia (and of course the bun in the oven); sit on the beach, put my feet in the sand and ocean; read more of swann's way by proust (yes, that's my next book choice); slow cook something; and beat tim's ass in dominoes (you heard me!)
i was asked to participate in the AIDS walk here. its tomorrow at 8am. why the hell does all political action take place so early in the morning? i mean, i care...but damn, 8am?
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