i'm not a religious person. i try not to say "things always happen for a reason" too often. as i always question, well- why? why do things always happen for a reason? it just doesn't make any sense, particularly without the great patriarch pulling the strings in our lives.
that being said (which is something i try to say often), i find myself seeking meaning in the oddest of places.
1) i always believe that if a random homeless person approaches me and provides me with some nugget of philosophical rambling- that this has particular importance for my particular life.
2) i supremely believe in the power of what i call "the radio game." this game got started on the many, many long road trips that i took during high school and college. finding myself bored with all the tapes i had packed, i would switch on the radio. finding a great oldies station, i would designate the next song as my theme song. the song that would tell me something about my life. then i would spend those 3minutes seeing how sam cooke's chain gang related to my life. of course, this game can be played with any radio station- as well as i have adapted it for my ipod, by simply using the shuffle option. beyond your theme song, you can provide narrow parameters- for example, "this is my song about this weekend" or "this is my song about moving" or "this is igor's song about his love affair with gravy"...yes, it is very entertaining and yes, the possibilities are endless. though i do find myself spending WAY too much time on the road playing this game.
3) i've always found fortune cookies to be ultimately telling about my life. and i don't think i'm the only one that believes in this power. it reminds me of a scene in no country for old men. in that we like to imagine this particular fortune cookie traveled all that distance just to make it to our particular table on this particular evening...just to communicate this particular message to us. perhaps it has no meaning at all. (note: this was the best clip i could find, but it cuts off one second too early...before he says, "which it is.")
regardless, i have recently received these two fortunes...i'm still trying to interpret accurately the first one. any suggestions will help.
1) the best throw of the dice is to throw them away.
2) don't be hasty; prosperity will knock on your door soon.
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