last saturday, after visiting the mayfest in north myrtle beach (which featured a couple of "members" of the beach boys and dean from jan and dean), we discussed our plans for the evening. i mentioned how i wanted to watch saturday night live, mostly because my morning jacket would be the musical guest.
then i made the comment about how watching SNL is good because you go out but ensure that you make it home by 11:30pm. that is when i realized, i never use to watch SNL when i was in my 20's. i mean, it was an occasional experience, but i never really planned to watch it. and i never watched it because on a saturday night between the hours of 11:30 and 1am- i probably didn't know where my car was...or where i lived. when i was younger, i was usually wasted at this time- on my way to finding out where the after party would be taking place.
now, i'm not casting a rose colored tint on my previous late night activities, because i'm glad i'm not trying to find the after party- because honestly, it seemed a bit sick and sad in retrospect- but it just seems that if you are a regular SNL viewer...then you are either 1) on your way to being a certain age or 2) moving away from that certain age.
the thing is...a nice night staying at home watching snl and waking up on sunday feeling rested seems like a perfect way to spend a saturday night. yes, i'm old.
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