10 January 2008

Klosterman and The Republicans

You can reference my other blog (www.musicismemory.com) to find out what I've spent my last 24 hours doing...I'll let you know, I was reading Chuck Klosterman's Killing Yourself To Live: 85% Of A True Story. Why would I blog about it twice? Well, for one, I try to reserve my book blog for more professional postings about music and memory...but on this one, I can be a bit more true to form.

Here is a quote from the book that demonstrates part of what I absolutely adored about it...the subtlety.

"I'm still half wasted when I awake, which is better than being hung over (but just barely)." -Chuck Klosterman

There are many other things I also enjoyed...the usage of the band KISS to organize and explore his romantic relationships.

I'd tell you more about it, but you should just find out for yourself, if you haven't. I also love the feeling of discovering a new author for the first time. I can remember when I discovered Milan Kundera, Nick Hornby, Jeanette Winterson...and it always feels amazing. You prepare yourself for a personal relationship with them, as you plan a trip to the bookstore to pick up EVERYTHING they've written. It's a lovely feeling.

But yes, I'd tell you more about the last 24 hours, except...I am attending the Republican Debate tonight. Yes, in person. I'm nervous and freaked out about the whole event, though I know when I'm sitting in my chair, looking around while people smile and commend the candidates broad sweeping attempts at votes...I'll be happy (and a bit disenchanted). I'll let you know what happens.

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