29 December 2006

Happy Holidays and a Myrtle Beach Celebrity

I probably should have been keeping up regularly with my posts...and you'd think I would be considering I've been on vacation- but alas, I haven't....

How can I explain myself?

1) Holiday Shopping is exhausting.

Sometimes I can't figure out WHY I participate in this holiday. When I strip it down to what I'm really doing...it is celebrating a consumer holiday. A day where a bunch of money has been spent and a bunch of money is received. Don't get me wrong....I completely love the thoughtful and wonderful presents I received. It just all feels so weird, considering my thoughts on consumerism. Not to mention, doesn't it sometimes feel like you are essentially just buying items for yourself (e.g. I bought one of my brothers a gift card for 20 bucks. He bought me a gift card for 20 bucks. Couldn't we have just skipped the whole exchange and both be 20 bucks richer?)

2) Holiday Travel is exhausting.

Yes, I know...the holidays just wouldn't be the holidays without all the annoyances of driving to where your family lives. This put us in a bind- (the cats)- and luckily we found a neighbor who watched over our little ones. We spent 3 days away from home, split up between Charlotte and Wagram. There were all sorts of nitty gritty items to take care of: when would we open our gifts for one another? did we pack all the presents for family and friends? how could we organize to see all our friends (actually a few friends is more like it)?

I have suggested Holiday: Destination for next year, but I'm not sure that my family is into it. I suggested everyone comes to Myrtle Beach to celebrate. Its quiet here. Its beautiful. And I wouldn't have to travel one damn bit!

Honestly, the highlights of my trip were the few intimate moments that I shared with friends and family members...Like the one moment...

...where Jennie Ann and I sat in the corner of the bar and talked about minimum drug sentencing...

...or when I rode to the mall with my brother John and we discussed the nature of education in public universities...

....or the time I spent with my other brother Taylor at the Park Road house while listening to Neutral Milk Hotel...

...or the conversation I had with my grandmother about aging and the elderly...

...or how my grandmother kept saying veterinarian instead of vegetarian...

...or dancing and laughing with my mom in the kitchen of her house...

...or my stepdad giving me a Cody Wyoming magnet and talking about his trip across country...

...or Tim and I trying to keep everything sweet and light for the entire trip, while staying in that cold, cold Park Road house...

I've realized it is these moments (among others) that made this holiday special. Those are the more important times...not the flying wrapping paper and endless "awwwwwww, awesome. thank you, this is really awesome. i love it..."

*** So what else?

I've been feeling extremely creative lately. I've been thinking of what is next on my agenda of world domination. i still have about 13 days off of school! Now, I can finally "relax" a bit. I'm staying incredibly busy, as I'm trying to get a jump start on the semester and have a majority of the lectures and such already planned out. i'm getting some reading done...reading Zinn's People's History, Seaside Gardening, Hawken's Ecology of Commerce, and a book by Ray Anderson (the CEO of Interface) about sustainability....I think Anderson may be one of my favorite people in the world...."Its the wrong thing to do..."

One of our neighbors has been out of town for the holidays...this pains me because, I tend to gauge the weather based on what he is wearing. Since I am home most days and our mailboxes are right outside our front door...I sit at my computer, while looking out at the front yard/ocean. I usually see this neighbor walk to his mailbox around noon...and depending on what he is wearing, I can tell what the weather is going to be like.

Over 70 degrees: No Shirt, Khaki Shorts, No Shoes

50-70 degrees: Shirt completely unbuttoned, Khaki Shorts, Flip Flops

30-50 degrees: Shirt unbuttoned halfway down, Khaki Shorts, Flip Flops

0-30 degrees: Shirt buttoned, Khaki Shorts, Flip Flops

So, as you can see...the real determinant rests on the buttons of the shirt...and since he has been out of town...I have no idea what the weather is...though we do miss him...but not his evil box of liquor (another story for another time).

Speaking of neighbors, we have another one...who apparently was drafted by the White Sox right out of high school...of course, he also told us he was bringing over his cousin Tanya and we haven't seen her yet...

So...its almost the new year. I don't know what we are going to do to celebrate (other than hit up the bookstore). I'll probably spend some time crocheting...did I tell you I'm going to learn? Regardless, its almost time for my walk on the beach...I always get so thoughtful during those walks. I wouldn't trade anything for that time...

Last week, I read this great book called From the Ground Up: The Story of a First Garden by Amy Stewart. Here is a tidbit from it....as it reminded me of the type of things I'm experiencing..

"I never thought I'd live in a beach town like Santa Cruz. If you ever wondered whether people who live at the seashore take it for granted after a while, let me tell you: We don't. At least, I never have. To wake up to the sound of harbor seals barking under the municipal wharf, to breathe the fishy salty air every morning- there is nothing better. The Pacific is never the same from one day to the next. Sometimes it is wild and dramatic, even inside the bay where I live. The waves rear up, taller than me, and pound against the sand, sending sea foam flying in every direction. Other days, the sea is flat and calm and almost warm enough for swimming, a study in blues: the flat glass of the ocean, the bright blue of the sky, the faded blue paint of the lifeguard stands.

I walked on the beach once with my aunt D'Anna, who was visiting me from Texas. We were talking about our jobs; we each had our own kind of job stress at the time. "But you see," I explained, "I come here at the end of the day. No matter how bad it is, I always know that there is this waiting for me. Sort of makes everything else seem unimportant." Some nights I see a flock of pelicans diving for anchovies, and sometimes a low tide lays sand dollars and beach glass at my feet. I come home with my pockets full of treasures, and they litter the front porch: the seashells, the dried-out seaweed, the beach glass in a jar. There is always sand in the entryway-you can't keep it out. It dusts the front steps and trails inside like breadcrumbs."

**And so you are probably wondering: Myrtle Beach celebrity? Who is it? Last night, Tim and I had dinner at a wonderful restaurant called Filet's. When we arrived the hostess says, "Don't you teach Psychology?"...and instantly I was a celebrity, though recognized for the wrong subject. Still...its fun to be recognized as a professor. Or just to be recognized. No pictures please!

06 December 2006

Multiple Choice

one of my exam questions recently was essentially asking which nation comes the closest to being pure capitalism...

the possible answers:
a) sweden
b) people's republic of china
c) united states
d) cuba

of course, if you are reading my blog...you should already know the answer

but what was particularly striking to me...a handful (a large handful) of students answered: cuba

no wonder fidel didn't come to his birthday party/anniversary celebration

29 November 2006

And we'd only be making it right...Here's to you, Bonnie Tyler

hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving. holidays are such a busy time of the year, but i spent some time with my family, which was lovely (hear will ferrell's voice in old school when talking about the olive garden).

things have been going well. i'm stressed at the end of the semester, with papers, grades, etc....I'm looking forward to my 3 weeks of writing, reading, relaxing...and oh yeah, getting my christmas cd together....its coming, don't you worry.

things have also been strange. i suppose i feel some type of shift in my life. its probably a side effect of moving...it is the type of thing that happens. your priorities change. you change. friends and memories that seemed so present start to drift. i remember when i left my apartment in charlotte...i was so sad. i couldn't imagine ever feeling "at home" anywhere else....and now here i am.

other stuff: i got a sewing machine. i got my second gift from a student. yesterday i almost told my high school to "bugger off". i'm going to charlotte for the next two weekends (to teach).

and oh yeah, i'm seeing the DAN band this weekend, apparently the cover band from old school. shall be funny. i'm sure.

i promise i'll be more witty and deep when i have the time.

21 November 2006

whatsup snowflake?

i have always thought this is a great picture. i want to make a t-shirt out of it...is from the womens christian temperance movement, to try to convince the men-folk to stop drinking alcohol...

yesterday, i had one of my high school students inform me that he was accepted at francis marion and that he plans to major in sociology. and i remembered, this is why i chose this path to begin with. now i'm up to 3 people i've turned into sociologists. do you think i could get the ASA (American Sociological Association) to hire me as a recruiter? i'm so very proud.

and what the f? with michael richards? tim and i stayed up (well it was more of a test for me than tim...i've been passing out at 10pm lately) long enough to watch letterman, so we could see this "apology". Apology, my ass. that was not an apology. i finally watched some clips of what happened too. i have been sick on my stomach since i saw the footage. and not in a "oh, doesn't he really know that is inappropriate?"...because its not that...its because i find myself still stunned when someone attacks another person on race...then you read comments people are making about it...trying to say that everyone should be forgiven...are you kidding me? its not like he had some slip of the tongue or said something once, the man went on and on...and lastly, if that is what "comes through" with your rage...you've got serious fucking problems. excuse me but the whole thing pisses me off.

perhaps we've moved from the pregnant bump being the cool thing in hollywood to being racist...

(breathe deeply)...ha....

okay, i'm out of school for the week, but still behind AS USUAL in school work. i'm heading to charlotte tomorrow for some family time and grub.

and i've almost beat tim in scrabble....still a few triple word scores to go and i'll be there.

have a happy and safe few days off from your job/school/life.

17 November 2006

how do you spell w-e-e-k-e-n-d?

i'm so happy its friday. i don't think there is anyone else in the world who is as happy as i am that its friday.

so, the oc was actually good last night. its pretty hit and miss since after the second season...and last night, it was good. quirky. and oh yeah, everyone stopped being so depressed about the waif finally disappearing...

i find myself identifying more and more with kirsten and sandy's characters. of course, without the financial success or the alcoholism. i thought sandy's issues of asking a guy friend out to do something hilarious. after moving, i have been experiencing this. its nerve-wracking to ask out a new friend.

equally hilarious was the strip scrabble game with kirsten and sandy...and you know, just a couple of weeks ago, tim and i bought the game scrabble...

the scene with julie cooper going to the hip-hop club and dancing...reminded me of some nights at the steeple...and then, i felt sick to my stomach.

so i'm off to enjoy my weekend. i've got lots of rest and work to do...but beyond that i'm going to try to catch a movie or play some mini-golf...and possibly have a couple of drinks for a friend's b-day.

the picture is of a russian scrabble game. its not the one that tim and i bought. we aren't that smart...wait, wait, maybe we are?

13 November 2006

biscuits and gravy

yes its true. we've "adopted" a new cat...well sort of. about a month ago, some of our neighbors were evicted. they left behind one cat. so i felt concerned...i left some food out. that was a month ago. now the cat, as we have dubbed gravy (we thought it was suitable given that we have a biscuit, sabine, and igor), has taken to living on our front porch. the other cats have become acquainted, albeit through the window glass, with gravy.

yes, i just blogged about a cat. take that.

what else? i'm currently reading: swann's way by proust and a book about the cuban revolution. (coincidence with tim's halloween costume?)school has been going well. last week i had lunch with one of my colleagues at the most wonderful italian deli, toffinos. absolutely fantastic. its also a bakery, so i'm itching to stop by and pick up a box of pastries, soprano style, and bring them home. i think i might do that this weekend. yes, i have big plans.

other news...i've heard quite a bit of good news from friends. there is a new erie choir recording out...check out www.eriechoir.com for details. i'm awaiting my copy currently...so i'm sure i'll tell you more as soon as that arrives...

also, chip from port huron statement has decided to make a break from the "man" and begin his own business venture. from what i understand, its online merchandising for the following artists: eric bachmann, blind boys of alabama, charlie musselwhite, sierra leone's refugee all stars, and the silos. and soon you. check it out at www.portmerch.com You probably all know how i feel about supporting small business, so buy something, anything.

a small shout out to a good friend...CONGRATULATIONS. i know that's a bit mysterious, but i'm sworn to secrecy. she'll know what i'm referencing...

what else? prison break. oh yeah, i'm happy to see sucre, lincoln, and scofield all back together. now lets hope they can escape without any trouble. but i am a bit concerned that i've been rooting for t-bag. does that make me weird?

the oc? well, i'm glad marisa is gone. there i said it. now hate me.

and if you haven't made use of www.pandora.com Do yourself a favor. Go.

01 November 2006

Is it worth it?

yes, halloween. i dressed up. besides feeling the spirit, i also didn't want ANYONE (read: Morty) to think that i'm an old biddy! seriously, i got moved by the halloween party. if you can't tell...tim was castro and i relied on my old tried and true "dead prom queen" outfit. we had a great time. it was a block party, so there were 3 different houses involved. there were many highlights:
1) the pirate house (included the real johnny depp, no kidding)
2) "tool man" tim's stories about home improvement
3) that guy running around with moonshine
4) karoke with live music

what else...so i had a few things happen this week that made me realize why i teach...and sometimes why its a hard job. in one of my classes (after lecturing on politics, economics and corporations), one of my students approached me asking where he could find out more about voting.

i always try to drive home the point that i want my students to vote...and it just made me so happy that someone actually gave a shit. that maybe i'm reaching some of them and encouraging them to become involved. to make a difference. (let me have my moment...don't judge me).

then at the high school class, one of my students came up to me and said, "ms. everhart, you are my coolest teacher. seriously." hahhaha. again, no wonder i think so highly of myself.

then tonight at my university class, one of my students said (as i lectured on drugs and alcohol...which makes me often feel like a "hack") "i know this girl, who is pregnant and she smokes marijuana and she said that she smokes it because it'll make her child more imaginative...is that true?" hahahahhahaha. yes. funny stuff.

but then...the sad part. one of my students copied and pasted his f'en assignment off of wikipedia. i called him on it, but gave him the opportunity to re-do his assignment. he had a bit of an attitude about it, but actually did the assignment again. there was something fishy about it....in that one line refers to the author of the paper as "we" the women...so i looked it up...and he copied it from a swedish feminist's speech at a convention!!!

i'm off to charlotte this weekend. i can't wait to see: koch, eric, allan, mom, taylor, jennie ann, walt, tim l., pruden, dad, ashley, and dayne. other than that...it'll be stressful. oh yeah, i get to see my favorite rowan student, valya. i'm sure there will be more later...

25 October 2006

halloween=officially old

So, the need for an afternoon nap and my disdain for drinking all night long...have led me to the conclusion that it wasn't just my 30th birthday that made me old...but the characteristics of my life.

i wake up early. i fall asleep while watching movies. i sunburn easily. i have allergies when the weather changes. my knees crack and pop when i'm walking. don't laugh. its not funny.

regardless...i realized though...here is what means i've officially crossed the threshold and can't return...

i'm not dressing up for halloween. i have always dressed up as SOMETHING, no matter how insignificant. Last year,i was a sailor. the year before, a cheerleader. this year, i thought about being the morton's salt girl. but i lack the time and energy to actually put together a costume.

i'm attending a couple of halloween parties...and i've got no costume. i am pretty sure the other adults won't be wearing costumes either.

i did buy pumpkins though. tim and i are going to carve them this weekend, while listening to my halloween mix from my last halloween party...then see nightmare before xmas in 3D (they are showing at the cinemas near our house.)

wait, i think saying cinemas makes me even older. but you know what, i like it.

something to cheer you up:
last week i was lecturing about drugs to my classes. a young lady who works for the police here did her presentation on drugs (imagine that)...and she said, "doing a joint is never okay"....

20 October 2006

The Week of Wrongness

so there were a couple of wrongs....cards beat the mets. that was wrong. there was such momentum. it was game 7!! then endy chavez made that unbelievable catch. i got goosebumps watching it in slow motion. then beltran up...you think...this is it, this is it...and next thing you know, beltran doesn't swing...and the game is over. tony larussa and his shiny upper lip are going to the series. this was my second experience of coming to terms with the fact that bad guys often do in fact finish first.

what was my first learning of this? right here...jeffrey on project runway? are you fucking kidding me? (yes, i need the foul language...it was necessary). I think all the collections were subpar. jeffrey's was terrible looking. i hate him. he deserves to be destroyed. i think that because of his sucky attitude, he shouldn't have won. so yet again, nice guys don't finish first...its the jackasses who call you fat who have drug problems tha finish first. bugger off, jeffrey.

and i sound like a hostile person today, but i'm not really. i received my student evaluations back...and lets keep in mind that they had only known me for 3 weeks...i got glowing reviews...lots of the following, "ms. everhart is awesome!" i read all 30 comments to tim last night, just to remind myself of why i work for so little money.

then today, i had lunch with one of my colleagues at the college. we sat out on the porch at this restaurant which is facing the ocean. beautiful...and its particularly beautiful here this weekend. regardless, we had a good time. its always nice to make connections with other individuals. so get this...her boyfriend use to work at legends (the place where famous impersonators perform)...and her boyfriend played jake from the blues brothers (yes, belushi). apparently he use to tour in europe doing this too. i swear to it. awesome, huh? it just felt perfect for my life experience right now.

on my weekend agenda: see mandy, dan, and mia (and of course the bun in the oven); sit on the beach, put my feet in the sand and ocean; read more of swann's way by proust (yes, that's my next book choice); slow cook something; and beat tim's ass in dominoes (you heard me!)

i was asked to participate in the AIDS walk here. its tomorrow at 8am. why the hell does all political action take place so early in the morning? i mean, i care...but damn, 8am?

18 October 2006

Glover for Governor

So...I'm official now. Pictured to the left, you will notice one of my SC plate choices. The other choice says, "smiling faces. beautiful places"...I wonder which one I picked?
(Its hypothetical, don't actually guess)

I've been unbelievably busy lately. Classes are going well...except yesterday I became overwhelmed and decided to call in sick. I slept the entire day...hmm, apparently I needed it.

Last weekend, Tim's parents came for a visit on Sunday. It was lovely. I always enjoy the time we spend with them. Tim's mom, Alice, may be hooking me up with a sewing machine which makes her even more cool.

Then yesterday, although sick and tired (literally), I received a long overdue mix cd in the mail from my good friend Charles. I've been anticipating this mix for about 10 months now...so the fact that it arrived made me actually wake up for a few spare moments and try to tear into it...well i tried...but i was weak and so tim helped me (why he was home? again, we are sick and tired!)

regardless...from first glance, the cd was awesome. tim has never met charles (or kim or henry or ruby for that matter) and so i pushed the track listing into his hands as a testament to just how cool charles is. i didn't get an opportunity to listen until today...and with the overcast cool weather, it was perfect. i can't wait to go for my walk tomorrow, so i can listen and interpret.

I did realize though just what great gifts mixes are...its amazing how someone can put together a combination of just these particular certain songs...and it works. it fits. and often, it mirrors your thoughts. it also serves to remind you. now, charles and i have not always had the opportunity to gab in person as much as we have from a distance...but there is something about history that connects you to certain people. you listen to the mix and realize that there were times in your life that serve as various moments when you were creating the musical motif of your life (not my idea, but kundera). you realize that there are these really really really awesome people out there...and you are glad you kept in touch, because there is just something they "get" about you.

not to mention its just awesome to get a mix cd in the mail.

wait, tomich....where's my next mix? lets give charles some competition!!!

oh yeah, i came up with a new idea tonight. what if i could be completely honest when grading an opinion paper. so i've decided to make rubber stamps, that instead of writing comments or statistics, i could just stamp this huge rubber stamp across the paper. the one i decided to make tonight will simply read in very large letters, "RACIST"...so instead of trying to "teach" my students why what they are saying is not true at all...we could just get to the point. i'm sure next week, i'll be making the following stamps: "SEXIST" and "HOMOPHOBIC"

04 October 2006

Desperately Seeking Pavel

so...we use to call the bi-lo near our house...the russian bi-lo...primarily because 2/3rds of their employees were from russia. in particular, there was a bag-boy named pavel...and he isn't there anymore. i haven't seen him in about a month. i don't know where he is. did he return to russia since the season was over? did he find a better job? now when i go to the bi-lo, i feel "distressed" because pavel is not there...and i miss him.

oh, tim and i went to a couple of festivals this weekend. the greek festival was fun. crowded. the food was AWESOME. we decided to stop by the irish italian festival on saturday. yes, it was both. irish AND italian. it was fun to walk around, but there wasn't anything too terribly irish or italian about the festival...the food was chain food mostly...and the vendors were solid waste authority, the recreation center, the republicans...but it was still fun. there was a fella there singing frank sinatra. how can you resist that?

school has been going well. i picked up an additional class with the university. this means...for a grand total during Fall 2006...i'm teaching 8 classes. not that i'm asking for sympathy or empathy...but i just think all two of you that read this should realize that i'm doing double the regular load for a full time instructor. man, its going to be easy easy living when i get a full time job. what will i do with all that free time?

and i almost forgot...tim and i had a cook-out with an old college friend of mine who lives here in the area. I haven't seen Mandy and Dan in about 2-3 years. The last time I saw here was at her baby shower...which obviously (cause that's how it works) she had the baby...who is now a fantastic young lady. Mia is her name. She says "thats" for any word that she doesn't know. This became increasingly more hilarious as the night and the bud lights passed. It was good times. Good times. I missed Mandy. We caught up...and honestly, it was nice to have someone to conversate with who wasn't there because they were paying and i was being paid (and no, i'm not a prostitute...though, i'm sure one could argue that teaching could be eerily close to that...ha!)

so...tonight. project runway. by the way...read the latest news on jeffrey. he is a liar. a cheater. and he said some bad things about journalists. regardless, PR is using this to their advantage by not telling us what their investigation found out about Jeffrey until the finale! what i'm happiest about? Malan. I love him. I love his laugh. and I hate his mean mom for not allowing him to realize his full potential.

oh yeah, i realized this week...that teaching. though i might sleep well at night...it will never pay my outrageous credit card bills. and for some reason, the credit card companies keep giving me more cards. hopefully, banana republic and victoria secret start selling gas, food, and beer.

Currently Listening to: NLDS Game 1: Dodgers and Mets...awww, Betemit...I've missed him. 25 pitch inning in the 2nd? whew. post-season games. fun fun fun.

26 September 2006

dreamt i was a sparklehorse song

my name is kathy. i am a prison break fan. in particular i find theodore "t-bag" bagwell to be an entertaining character.

i would ask for forgiveness, but i suspect that most prison break fans (or even those who just watch it every once in a while) find t-bag as one of their favorites. "whiskey makes me....irascible". how the hell does t-bag know the word irascible? i had to learn it from the GRE study book. perhaps t-bag has a secret past that the producers aren't letting us onto. For kicks, watch an interview with the actor...it'll trip you out.

on a side note..there was something funny to me about michael scofield coming to a door as a repair man. i'll just leave it at that.

the dialogue was priceless. "whatsup snowflake?" has to go down as one of the best lines in prison break history (which probably isn't saying much).

things are going well. i went for a walk on the beach today.

since blogs don't necessarily have a way to post music (and if there is...please teach me!) but i thought i would institute a "currently listening to:" part of the blog...

Currently Listening to:

Sparklehorse: Dreamt for Light Years In the Belly of a Mountain

upon a first 1/2 a listen (while walking next to the ocean), i have this to say, fantastic. sparklehorse played a very large role in my young adult life...and i must say, i feel delirious with joy to have a new album to enjoy. more on that later.

20 September 2006

As If...

As if I needed any other reasons to adore Ted Leo...read his post from 8/24/06.

He hates Jeffrey as well. That makes me very very happy.

Project Runway tonight... (JUST KIDDING...my surprise to find out that its not coming on tonight...are you f-en kidding me?)

My prediction for top 3: Jeffrey (despite my wishes -and Ted's as well), Michael, and Uli. Of course, I believe we could substitute Laura for Uli as well. They both seem to have a "style" they are unwilling to change. Jeffrey does too, but he is often lavished with attention by the judges for his "rock and roll" look. oh kill me, please. (And apparently...there isn't a final 3, but the four we got...those are our four).

I'm still rooting for Michael.

PS Prison Break is and always was...unbelievable.

18 September 2006

easy livin'

not much to report...i've been sick all weekend. chest cold. pretty typical.

its as if when fall arrives, i get sick...to remind me...hey, a new season is coming. you are going to be nostalgic, reflective, and melancholic. i love fall. its inspiring me to work on writing again...which hopefully is a positive.

here is an example of how beach living can go too far. this morning as i was driving to school, an older woman was starting to walk across the street. i thought she saw me coming down the road, but just to be cautious, i stopped anyways. Good Thing! She kept on walking...and this is the thing, i realized she didn't see me as she continued to cross at a leisurely pace. then after she crossed, i drove past her and she still didn't even notice that she almost got hit by a car. now, that would have been a bad start to a monday morning.

teaching this week has been going well. high school was particularly fun today. i think things are starting to smooth out and calm down with them. we did an exercise with children's books where we look at male and female characters and then note whether they are in active or passive roles. loads of fun. apparently sometimes gender is so ingrained in our minds that people assume it is natural.

so it always seems to be something with my high school students...today, instead of questions about whether conor wears boxers or briefs...they got on the myspace line of questioning. "Miss Katherine, are you on myspace??" I tried to explain to them that it would be unprofessional of me to be on myspace. Someone was telling me recently how some school systems prohibit their instructors from having myspace accounts....because it could create false boundaries between the teacher and the student. i concur. or a false sense of consciousness.

on a happier note, in my class today, upon asking if anyone would identify as a feminist....the number went up...out of a class of 17, 4 folks raised their hands, including one guy.

14 September 2006

TGIAF...thank god its almost friday

it feels something like the longest week of my life. it hasn't been particularly difficult or trying...just seems like i'm moving in slow motion...

so to recap...what do we have for you this week?

last weekend...tim and i visited more flea markets, as well as brookgreen gardens in murrells inlet...i've started a new obsession with a woman named bessie. i have a letter that a male suitor sent her in 1904. he was staying at the sulphur springs in hiddenite north carolina, where apparently he was being healed for some type of illness. he talked about the base ball craze. that's right. baseball...but back when it was two words. i'm assuming he was desiring to attend a game of a local textile or mill team....but fascinating.

brookgreen gardens are beautiful. everyone should visit. they contain a sculpture garden, as well as a nature walk of sorts. the sculptures and flowers...were wonderful. it just felt so beautiful and peaceful. the nature walk was trying on my nerves at times...i almost walked into a spider web that was the size of my skull. no kidding.

we also had dinner at a lovely restaurant, collector's cafe. it was delicious. i'm really really really enjoying tim's weekly food articles...as i'm receiving some of the benefit.

after a nice relaxing weekend, i plunged into the work week. not too much to report there...things have been going smoothly. the high school class is starting to calm down. this week has included lectures on race and ethnicity, culture, socialization, gender, and aging. my favorite discussion has to be on immigration. it really gets some people very upset...particularly if you start talking about learning how to speak spanish. i was told by one student that he shouldn't learn spanish because he doesn't live in spain. weird, i thought there were people outside of spain who speak the language. my bad.

i also blew some minds today when i spoke about the smallpox blankets that were given to native americans. i was honestly surprised that most of them haven't heard about this. doesn't anyone watch king of the hill other than me?

other than school....prison break...that cop guy is cracking up...thank god...tim and i had dinner at a very nice restaurant called filet's last night...we met a wonderful young fella named donald...who i wanted to ask to be our new friend...and then project runway....awww, kayne. too bad.

i'm rooting for michael all the way and for the demise of jeffrey.

i'm giving an exam tonight...and i'm more excited than ever...that means i can read my new girly magazine and demonstrate to my class that you can be a feminist and still indulge in the mindless sexist literature of cosmo.

which by the way, out of a class of 42 college freshmen...there wasn't a single person in the class that raised their hands to say they were a feminist. what the fuck?

08 September 2006

who needs bread?

yes, its true. for some reason tim and i started discussing the food pyramid. i think tim said something like, "if i could only eat one type of food for the rest of my life...it would be vegetables..." i shriveled in disgust and thought to myself, "what would i pick?" But my shrivel was not based on veggies a la athens restaurant or any random cafeteria. i personally am a big fan of the following veggies: cottage cheese, mac and cheese, and fried okra. i don't think they technically constitute veggies, though.

so, for me...another hypothetical posed to the small handful of people who actually find this entertaining...if you could choose but one category off of the food pyramid to eat for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

I think I would have to pick dairy, particularly cheese. "Cheeeeeese" (Old School reference for you, Jennie Ann).

Well, the work week is over. I still hate Jeffrey on Project Runway and his "design" if you can call it that was anything but flattering. Thank goodness he doesn't have immunity.

Plans for this weekend...more flea markets in my near future. a really fancy restaurant in the area called Collector's Cafe (which is a combination of restaurant, art gallery, coffeehouse). and an afternoon at the brookgreen gardens (which apparently has a sculpture garden, wildlife preserve, and history.

wait, are these the kinds of things you find really exciting once you hit the 30 year mark?

06 September 2006

sunbathers and high school

so, on my way home from the grocery store this afternoon, i noticed a woman sunbathing in her front yard. it was a couple blocks down from my place. so keep in mind this is about one block from the beach. doesn't seem to make any sense? why sunbathe in front of a house instead of the ocean? perhaps she has body image issues.

classes went well today. the high school found me a new classroom. its a science class, so while i lecture...i'm standing next to a skeleton. its a small one, but it is wearing a sombrero. true. i swear. it reminds me of the scene in manhattan....

"But you're too easy on yourself. Don't you see that that's your problem: you rationalize everything; you're not honest with yourself. What are future generations going to say about us? Some day we're going to be like him [motions towards skeleton] - this is what happens to us. It's very important to have some kind of personal integrity. I'll be hanging in a classroom some day and I want to make sure that when I've thinned out, I'm well thought of."

the first five minutes of class (and last five minutes) consisted of my students asking me questions about how i know conor, how i met him, if i know tim kasher, does conor have a drinking problem?, and is arienette real? i suppose its exciting to people who are younger and grew up while saddle creek was in its prime...to me, it was in its prime when it was just starting...regardless, its hilarious to me that these students are so curious about this person. i think i decided this...i'm glad i'm a sociology instructor and not a rock star. i personally would prefer not to have people all over the world speculating on my health, my relationships...i'll settle for it locally.

speaking of saddle creek, i'm listening to the new eric bachmann. it was due time until he put something out on saddle creek. its awesome. you should get it...wait, wait...tim, you already have it...and yes, i recognize that i've used another google image.

project runway tonight...right on.

05 September 2006

francis and cecilia

hope everyone had a great labor day weekend. i sure did.

so...friday night, tim and i ventured to a bar/restaurant near our house. i had been curious about this place for a couple of weeks. it was decent. small. within a few moments, we listened to the owner and the other two patrons talk about how they CAN'T WAIT for the tourists to go home. then the lovely bartendress asks, "so, where you folks from?"

no doubt, there is an interesting tension between the tourists and the locals. a situation that causes for both to depend on one another. reminds me of that old cursive song, "who needs who the worst?"

the night progressed into a sort of made for tv movie about racial inequality and domestic violence. i was freaked out and shocked. i think we must have laughed all the way home.

on saturday, jennie ann made her way to the beach. before that, tim and i made a trip to the flea market. i haven't been to a flea market since i was the size of a flea....but i was suddenly captivated. we planned to return...as tim was eyeing a beautiful new bike.

regardless, saturday night...we cooked out on the grill. it was delightful. "which was lovely"...we sat in the front yard, listening to the cars and prince...while meeting new neighbors and talking about god knows what.

sunday, we returned to the flea market...where i bought an antique sewing machine, a necklace made from whale bone with a carving of a whale and masted ship, a faux pearl collar necklace (no jokes, please), Elizabeth Taylor's My Love Affair with Jewelry, some old pictures from the late 1880s to early 1920s, and my most treasured piece...a postcard from 1912.

so here is the thing with the postcard...we found nearly 15 postcards that were correspondence between a woman named Cecilia and a man named Francis. The postcards are beautiful. so i started thinking about it....what was it that cecilia wanted francis to remember that she had asked him about...

i then wondered if they were linked to a family history on the ancestry site...and guess what? they were! I found the email of the individual who put together the line. I also found out that the postcard I bought was written one month before cecilia and francis married. perhaps she asked him to get married?

i wrote to the person who put together the family line...who happened to have a couple of pictures of cecilia and francis, which she sent me. i posted a picture of her when she was young. its just so fascinating to me. i'm going back to the flea market on friday to get the rest of the postcards to mail to the great niece of francis. isn't that cool?

yeah, i'm a total nerd. i can't help it. its inspiring me.

jennie ann left yesterday, which was sad. then tim and i tied up the evening by cooking out once more and watching the braves beat the mets.

awww, labor day.

31 August 2006

Freudian Slips and Hurricanes

awww, beach life never ceases to amaze me...i've now officially met at least once with all of my students. yesterday was my first meeting with my high school class. essentially, here was the scene: a crowded portable trailer with 28 students and only 25 desks. they all kept asking me questions i had no idea how to answer...meanwhile, one of the math teachers (who apparently "owned" this particular trailer) sat in the classroom grading papers, yes the whole time. things went well. they all seem to be open with speaking their opinions, which is great for high schoolers.

so....during the lecture, i was trying to speak about structural-functionalism and i was discussing how they believe society functions similar to an organism where all the organs have to work together for the functioning/survival of the whole. apparently this sentence had too any words like functioning and organs, as i plainly said, "ORGASM". the class erupted in laughter. i turned bright red. i luckily was able to regain my composure and continue on...but i couldn't help thinking, "oh holy shit. i just said the word orgasm to 30 public high school students!"

apparently i still have a job. ha.

beyond that, classes were canceled this afternoon due to Ernesto...which is having some issues of self identity and keeps going back and forth from a storm to a hurricane. while living in charlotte, i never thought about hurricanes that often (yes, i remember hugo),but it wasn't something that happens that frequently. now i'm learning all sorts of interesting items about hurricanes. its not out of interest, merely survival. i'm pretty sure that since i was given the evening off, i will most certainly lose power so i can't enjoy it in a proper lazy fashion and watch countless hours of tv.

the realty company called tim about 30 minutes ago to remind him that we are living in a low lying area and that we might want to remove any items of value...weird. i'm considering nailing all of our furniture to the ceiling...or at least the cats. "i'm just messing with you guys".

i'll keep you updated. i'll take pictures, particularly if tim and i are swimming around the apartment later.

did anyone watch project runway? i hate jeffrey. come to think of it...when i first saw him with that tattoo on his neck...i had a feeling that we wouldn't get along. and it said detroit. its just that attitude gets on my nerves. and what was so special about that outfit? i could pick it up at the local hot topic or any beach store on ocean boulevard.

michael and kayne are my favorites, for sure. that being said, i think michael may win it all. they don't seem to like kayne's taste, but i feel he is a kindred spirit in my white trash upbringing. i always feel sort of weird when the judges discuss michael....i always feel like when they say, "oh he is so thoughtful.." that what they are really thinking is, "oh, this black man with a gold tooth, its amazing that he is so thoughtful and well-spoken and a great designer"...but maybe i'm just being a sensitive sociologist.

i suppose i shall go read pink is the new blog...and listen to my tim gunn podcast. they'll understand me.

28 August 2006

found a way

i found a way to cool off in this extremely warm weather...

the first day of school

so, its the first day of school at the technical college. i have to start three new classes this week (only one today). first days are always sort of interesting. i actually only have to be at the school for about 2 hours today...the rest of the week will be longer. i'm looking forward to getting to meet my new students. recently i've been teaching such shortened summer classes, that its hard to believe theat the young'uns i meet today will be seeing me 3 days a week for 16 weeks. that's a long time.

i need more coffee...

23 August 2006

my compass spins, the wilderness remains

i've been here over a week now. i'm starting to settle in. i think for the first week i had something equivalent to woody allen's "california" disease. i felt dizzy, sleepy, irritable. then magically when i drove back into charlotte on friday, i felt fine. of course it could have been the fact that i know where every starbucks in charlotte exists, as well as how to get to all of them in about 30 seconds.

yesterday morning, i checked on my transplanted plants. they haven't been looking so great since we've been here. i realized that the amount of sun the plants are getting has gone from consistently in the shade to consistently in the sun. moving from extreme to extreme can be difficult. when i checked on the plants yesterday...i noticed they were starting to flower and look better. i thought to myself, hmm...they just needed some time to get acclimated to the sun and environment. then i realized...that's what i'm going through. i'm trying to acclimated to this environment. to all the change. and i think i'm starting to flower too...

after i thought my schedule (scchhhhedueeellleee) was set, it appears there was some confusion about a couple of my classes at the technical college. one will not be happening and as of today i still have no clue about my high school class. that makes me feel weird and nervous. i did teach my first CCU class last night. most of the class are new freshmen and women...so at least we are all in the same boat (literally and figuratively). i think its going to be a good half a semester with them...

i spent this afternoon on the beach. i needed a little down time...so i took Anna Karenina and my new Real Simple magazine, as well as my ipod. lucky for you, i also took my camera. tim has recently had a renewed interest in bright eyes, which is pleasant for me...since i'm personally such a big fan. its been quite a while since i've seen conor or mike...and listening to them has made me realize how much i'd love to chat it up with them again. oh well...i suppose that's the price of fame.

i listened to this one particular song of bright eyes make war while i was sitting out on the beach and it felt nice. why is that music always sounds better when you are sitting in front of something beautiful like the ocean? for some reason, to me every lyric of every song would somehow make me feel melancholic and pensive...i'm sure even poison and cinderella (who are at this moment less than one mile from my house!)

and oh yeah, that's a picture of the walkway we take from the house to the beach...it also seemed to fit the song...

"our love is dead but without limit
like the surface of the moon
or the land between here and the mountains
it is not these hiding places that have kept us innocent
but the way you taught me to just let it all go by
so we have learned to be as faithless, stand behind bulletproof glass
exchanging our affections through a drawer
it was always horribly convenient and happening too fast
you should count your change before you are even out the door
yes, you should but please...

return, return to the person that you were
and i will do the same
because it is too hard to belong to someone who is gone
my compass spins, the wilderness remains...

well, now i tell myself i've mended
under these patches of blue sky
there are still a few holes that let in a little rain
so it is crying on my shingles
my floorboards maon under my feet
the refrigerator is whining, so i've got reason to complain
but i am not gonna bless you with such compliments
some degrading psalm of praise
like the kind that converted you to me so long ago
because the truth is that gossip is as good as gospel in this town
you can save face but you won't ever save your soul
and that's a fact..."

14 August 2006

officially gone...

so its official...i'm in myrtle beach

the moving is over and i've successfully unpacked everything. as soon as i get my south carolina drivers license and tag, i'll know that i'm really a south carolina resident.

things have been busy with preparing for school, but i have taken some time to go walking around the neighborhood. last night, tim and i went for a walk down the beach. as we were walking, we saw what looked like a fish out of water on the shore. upon closer inspection, we realized it was a baby shark!

i start teaching next week, which should also be exciting. i'll be teaching a total of 6 classes this fall, which will probably be completely overwhelming...but i'm looking forward to getting to know all my new students.

my next project for the house is to get the porch set up for loads of afternoons with visiting friends. i'm planning to hang some lanterns and lights tomorrow. i've got to re-pot my rosemary plant (to remind everyone a matriarch lives here), as well as my hosta named silvio. i can't wait to find a nice patio table with chairs, as well as a hammock for sleeping.

09 August 2006


Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace I'm going through
Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes (Turn and face the strain)
Ch-ch-Changes Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers
Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes (Turn and face the strain)
Ch-ch-Changes Pretty soon you're gonna get a little older
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I said that time may change me
But I can't trace time

So...today may have been one of the more emotional days I've had in quiet a while. For one reason, I'm sure I'll "blog" about later, but at this time I can't. I still feel strange saying "blog". (Does it sound like a milkshake? I'll have the blog without the whipped cream?). Regardless, its been a day.

Today was the day that my family and I took my youngest brother, Taylor (photo on the right) to college. Last year we dropped off my oldest younger brother, John (photo on the left). For me, there is always something so sentimental about the "college dropoff". Although its been years for me, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Taylor made a great mix cd, which I waited to listen to until I left. I made him one too...that started off with Ryan Adams' To Be Young, then moved onto Spoon's The Way We Get By, then The Replacements' Beer for Breakfast. I thought they were all appropriate for a college freshman (or freshwoman for that matter). There were many others, but these seemed like a good beginning.

Everything was fine to begin with. We were fixing up the room. Bunking the beds. Moving the desks around. Taylor's roomie seemed like a great guy. Plus he likes the Braves. And it got me thinking about how something like baseball can become this great point for bonding and connecting people, particularly in a situation like college freshmen (or freshwomen...okay, i'll stop).

There is something about baseball to me (yes, in particular) that stands out as something that makes me think "hey, we could maybe be friends"...more so now than earlier in my life. I'm not sure what it is, maybe the commitment to the game, regardless of the time? maybe its the commitment to a team, regardless of their record? maybe its just the idea that we could have a conversation about something that doesn't involve our personal lives? I don't know...but I felt comforted with the fact that Taylor has a baseball loving roomie and some baseball loving hallmates.

Like I said, things were fine until it was time for me to leave. Unfortunately, I had to teach tonight and couldn't stay with him until I was ready to leave. It was probably fortunate for him in the fact that I started crying much earlier and we could just cut that out before the rest of the waterworks with the family started. Now, don't get me wrong...I was excited that he is going to college. I think its a great opportunity. A great experience. I wouldn't trade my experience for anything in the world. But I also recognize how difficult it can be.

I remember my first night at college. I remember the entire day. It wasn't just me and my family, but my two best friends at the time also came with me, Jennie Ann and Charlotte. When they moved me in and left me there, I remember thinking "what the hell?" "Wait, wait..." and then as the night passed on...I read letters that were left from my mom and my best friends. Upset and teary eyed, I joined my suite mates (Ally, Tori, and Misty) and we sat listening to Patsy Cline, smoking tons of cigarettes and talking. It wasn't until I realized that everyone felt a little out of place and uncomfortable that I felt better. Still...when I curled up in that twin bunk bed alone that night, in an unfamiliar quiet place...that I realized I was on my own. And then I thought, "who is this strange girl that likes the grateful dead that is sleeping in my room?"

Of course, we became close friends..and some remain close friends...but that first night can be brutal. That first week can be brutal. And I can't help but feel worried and a bit sad when I think about how John did that last year and how Taylor is doing that tonight. He is looking around that room and thinking "What the hell did I get myself into?" But I know that things will change in the next few weeks.

And things are changing for all of us. John is going on to his second year of college. My mom and dad are finally divorced. And I'm moving to the beach. Its that part of life where everything is changing. (Yeah, okay, its my last few days in Charlotte and I'm starting to get nostalgic).

That being said, I'm going to start bringing this in for its closing time...because although my fridge is full of beer...I've been warned never to drink and blog. Wait, wait...there is that word again. Jennie Ann came over tonight to watch Project Runway...and yes, we discussed it like we were talking about real life. What do you care? If you do care, check out pink is the new blog...and you'll be more than happy. But...I made a comment, very happenstance tonight...and then realized the reality of moving. I told Jennie Ann, "yeah, and then you'll come to my house and ..." and i realized...I won't live here anymore.

Things took a downward turn from there, just in that...you realize the ch-ch-changes. It happens. You "make it work". And we will, but I'll say this...I'll miss Jennie Ann. I will. I will miss that honk when she leaves. And I know she'll read this at work and hate me...but its what happens when you move. But, like I said its been an overly emotional day. Too many ch-ch-changes.

No, I'll have the blue one
The green one?

i can't trace time (oh god, i sound way over dramatic don't i? damn you, budweiser)

07 August 2006

Would you give up ketchup?

Some people really really love mustard. Some people really really love ketchup. Some can't go without both of them. I fall in the category of a mustard-lover. Since Tim has been at the beach, I haven't bought any ketchup at all (he happens to be a ketchup lover or a multi-condiment lover). Regardless, I've had grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries...and I never once needed any ketchup.

So, I don't know how this came up...but at brunch with my sister, Ashley, my brother-in-law, Dayne, Tim this weekend, we started discussing ketchup. We were discussing whether you refrigerate it or not? I think it stemmed from a restaurant perspective...Regardless, I mentioned that I could probably go the rest of my life without eating ketchup ever again. I realized I have quite a disdain for ketchup.

But why? Is it from all those years working at Avondale? Having to fill up those ketchup bottles with the huge vat of ketchup? Sometimes seeing condiments in such a large quantity can turn you off from it completely, I think. On a side note: I enjoy mayo from time to time, but it was probably years before I could enjoy after that job.

So...after a mimosa at brunch, I started in on...."what would i give up for ketchup?" like...if someone said..."you can have this....if you never eat ketchup again"....what exactly would it be?

I'd probably take a year long subscription to netflix. Maybe a free U-Haul for the move? Possibly a case of budweiser would work. What would you give up for ketchup?

Now, mustard would be a completely different story.

But it reminded me of that Harry Caray skit with Will Ferrell on SNL...

Harry Caray: Yes! Hey! Now Ken, we all know that the moon is not made of green cheese...
Dr. Ken Waller: Yes! That's true Harry.
Harry Caray: But what if it were made of barbeque spare ribs would you eat it then.
Dr. Ken Waller: What!
Harry Caray: I know I would. Heck I'd have seconds. Then polish it off with a tall cool Budweiser. I would do it.
Dr. Ken Waller: Yeah?
Harry Caray: Would you?
Dr. Ken Waller: I'm confused.
Harry Caray: It's a simple question! Would you eat the moon if it were made of ribs?
Dr. Ken Waller: I don't know how to answer that.
Harry Caray: It's not rocket science. Just say yes and will move on... Holy cow...

02 August 2006

"Tonight on Kathy's Show...."

Moving has been very strange. You go through your belongings and decide what is worth keeping and what is worth throwing out. So that back year of Readymade and Martha Stewart Living...no longer a necessity. It sort of feels like cleaning on a more abstract level too...in that you sort of clear the cobwebs and get ready for a new start.

I've secured work at the beach. So, I won't be a complete beach bum. I'll be teaching a few classes here and there.

I saw Ryan Adams the other evening at House of Blues. It was fun. I kept wondering if he would play Nuclear (its just really cool that someone sings about the Yankees and the Braves, particularly the Yankees losing to the Braves). Jennie Ann kept wondering if he would sing Come Pick Me Up....I think she sang it for the rest of the evening.

We also attended another Pelicans game. Pelicans games are AWESOME. Thats all I can say. Its just a perfect place for a game. The experience would only be enhanced if the ocean was a tad bit closer to the actual field. Catch a game there if possible.

SO....the reason for the post is this...I started thinking, what if I had my own late night talk show. What if I had one night to plan...Who would I invite? Who would I want to talk to? So here is the task...If you were planning one night for your talk show...who would be your 3 guests and who would be your musical guest? They should be ordered as well (the guests that is).

Here is what I came up with:

Tonight on Kathy's Show
1) Milan Kundera
2) Bobby Cox
3) Woody Allen
Musical Guest: Gogol Bordello

Now, I know I'm not making too many friends or gaining any new fans. My list is too hip, nor too much of a drag (wait, is it?) But I would seriously love to talk to all three of these individuals. Should I make an alternate since Kundera may not come out of hiding?

So, what is your list?

28 June 2006

hey, its kathy, leave a message, i'm not here right now, i'm over at ripley's believe it or not AND i still don't believe it...

So....it's finally decided. I am moving to NORTH myrtle beach. Tim is taking a job with a newspaper in this lovely coastal area....and so we are packing up and leaving this ole' shack in Charlotte.

We visited last weekend to search for a new living space for us and the kitties. After an exhausting day of passing signs that seemingly shouted at me "BOOBS. CHEAP. TSHIRTS. FISHING. FIREWORKS. BEER. BUFFET. CRAB LEGS", I felt a little unsure about moving to the area. I started feeling like I was losing all the great things that I love about Charlotte. I feared that I wouldn't make any new friends. I feared that I wouldn't be able to find "my" places (the ones that are comparable to The Common Market or the P-Stone here). Then I realized, wait, I don't really go out anyway....what am I worried about?

On Monday, I finally made contact with a wonderful real estate agent....She had a 2 bedroom apartment in North Myrtle that is 2 blocks off the beach. And we found it....the cutest little beach apartment/bungalow. Its PINK! It has a fabulous screened in front porch. I have thousands of great ideas straight from the pages of Martha Stewart Living that involves innovative lighting and hammocks. Hell, the street essentially has the name OCEAN in it.

I realized....despite my fears...I have the opportunity to listen to the waves every single day (in person). I can wake up in the morning and walk straight to the ocean and dip my little toe in just to remember what a wonderful experience I'm having.

I think its going to be a great year. In fact, I think it'll be a beautiful year.

I have visions of all the people I love on that porch, drinking cold budweisers and listen to the sound of time passing.

19 June 2006

"I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink..."

With yesterday being Father's Day, my beau (Tim) visited with his father. He returned home with a booklet that traces his family history. It reminded me the time 3 years ago I set out on the same journey. So I pulled out my old folder with all the names, dates, and places. Line by line connecting different families across the generations.

Now, I know...you might be thinking...genealogy is for nerds. And, you might be right.

I have traced my family back to a character named Johan Fish, who was the father of Casper Fish. To me it feels exciting to even think that my family had someone named Johan in it. Even cooler than that, I traced one line of my family back to the Lom/Stille line which originated from Roslagen, Sweden. Apparently this line settled on the Delaware side of Jersey, in what was called at the time Racoon Creek/Racocas/New Sweden. I told you it was cool...Not to mention, one of my relatives, Anna Lom, was born at sea. And, I wonder where I get my desire to explore from?

Regardless, while I sat watching the Braves (who continue to play what I will now refer to only a "Braves Ball"...only in a way that they know how) I also decided to start looking up more information about my family. I spent hours doing this. Tim seems to think I may have an addictive personality. I just couldn't stop wondering and thinking about what relatives of mine may have experienced in their life times.

I decided to calm down my fervor for information by settling down for some reading. I'm not only currently reading Tolstoy, but also Jonathan Safran Foer's Everything Is Illuminated. If you've seen the movie or read the book, probably not the best choice for someone hot on the trail of family history. It only fed this desire to know.

I tried to sleep. I attempted it for about 3 hours. I kept tossing and turning. I seemed to be haunted by all these faces and experiences. The unknown information was making me feel crowded. So I gave in and just got the hell out of bed (Tim probably sighed in relief that I finally just gave in and got out of bed).

I started thinking about family history. Then I started thinking about history in general. It amazes me to think that family members of mine witnessed the Industrial Revolution. For sociologists, this was a pretty important revolution...so its pretty impressive to stop and realize. I started thinking about the trees in my own front yard. They were here...way before. I started wondering what my street looked like 100 years ago. Who lived on this land? Okay, okay, I've probably had way too little sleep and way too much coffee.

Its just amazing what you can find when you start looking. I'll keep you posted. The exploration doesn't stop here.

15 June 2006

I was intimidated...

A couple of weeks ago, I attended my first Kannapolis Intimidators baseball game. I absolutely adore minor league baseball. There's something about the environment that is like nothing else in this world. Not just the aesthetics, but the community. Baseball games in general, particularly in person, provide me with a solace. When I'm experiencing any type of indecision, a ballgame will place everything in perspective. The fact that a game has no time restriction makes sense to me. If someone asks "How long is the game going to take?" Its so nice to respond, "Just as long as it takes..."

At the game, the musicial selections were particularly wonderful. It was a mixture of Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. I was in heaven.