25 October 2006

halloween=officially old

So, the need for an afternoon nap and my disdain for drinking all night long...have led me to the conclusion that it wasn't just my 30th birthday that made me old...but the characteristics of my life.

i wake up early. i fall asleep while watching movies. i sunburn easily. i have allergies when the weather changes. my knees crack and pop when i'm walking. don't laugh. its not funny.

regardless...i realized though...here is what means i've officially crossed the threshold and can't return...

i'm not dressing up for halloween. i have always dressed up as SOMETHING, no matter how insignificant. Last year,i was a sailor. the year before, a cheerleader. this year, i thought about being the morton's salt girl. but i lack the time and energy to actually put together a costume.

i'm attending a couple of halloween parties...and i've got no costume. i am pretty sure the other adults won't be wearing costumes either.

i did buy pumpkins though. tim and i are going to carve them this weekend, while listening to my halloween mix from my last halloween party...then see nightmare before xmas in 3D (they are showing at the cinemas near our house.)

wait, i think saying cinemas makes me even older. but you know what, i like it.

something to cheer you up:
last week i was lecturing about drugs to my classes. a young lady who works for the police here did her presentation on drugs (imagine that)...and she said, "doing a joint is never okay"....

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