06 September 2006

sunbathers and high school

so, on my way home from the grocery store this afternoon, i noticed a woman sunbathing in her front yard. it was a couple blocks down from my place. so keep in mind this is about one block from the beach. doesn't seem to make any sense? why sunbathe in front of a house instead of the ocean? perhaps she has body image issues.

classes went well today. the high school found me a new classroom. its a science class, so while i lecture...i'm standing next to a skeleton. its a small one, but it is wearing a sombrero. true. i swear. it reminds me of the scene in manhattan....

"But you're too easy on yourself. Don't you see that that's your problem: you rationalize everything; you're not honest with yourself. What are future generations going to say about us? Some day we're going to be like him [motions towards skeleton] - this is what happens to us. It's very important to have some kind of personal integrity. I'll be hanging in a classroom some day and I want to make sure that when I've thinned out, I'm well thought of."

the first five minutes of class (and last five minutes) consisted of my students asking me questions about how i know conor, how i met him, if i know tim kasher, does conor have a drinking problem?, and is arienette real? i suppose its exciting to people who are younger and grew up while saddle creek was in its prime...to me, it was in its prime when it was just starting...regardless, its hilarious to me that these students are so curious about this person. i think i decided this...i'm glad i'm a sociology instructor and not a rock star. i personally would prefer not to have people all over the world speculating on my health, my relationships...i'll settle for it locally.

speaking of saddle creek, i'm listening to the new eric bachmann. it was due time until he put something out on saddle creek. its awesome. you should get it...wait, wait...tim, you already have it...and yes, i recognize that i've used another google image.

project runway tonight...right on.

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