19 May 2008

What Goes Through Your Head

they always say that when you are confronted with the moment of death, your life flashes before your eyes. you review very quickly all the happy and all the sad moments of your life.

this last weekend, while i was visiting with my best friend jennie ann- we decided to walk up to a local restaurant for a couple of drinks. as we were crossing the street at the appropriate crosswalk and during the appropriate time, a car came quickly around the corner very quickly. it came straight towards us. i'm not sure they originally saw us crossing the street.

so what happened? well. nothing. it was sheer shock. as the car came quickly toward me (of course, to veer away at the last moment), i stood in shock. my mouth gaping open with a look on my face that communicated, "what the fuck?" i didn't think of when i was 6 years old and my mom bought me a matchbox car. i didn't think about when i graduated from high school. i didn't think about my brothers' first day of elementary school. i thought nothing. shock.

besides that, i did reach out and grab jennie ann's hand. so there we stood. shock and awe. mouths open. holding hands. in the middle of the street.

i think this whole life and death thing is far less complicated that most people would have you believe. though, i'm glad i didn't die on the street in plaza midwood while on my way to some horrible bar.

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